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Our Mission
TMH MANCAVE is a nonprofit organization created to eliminate the stigma and bring awareness to the mental health needs of Black men and boys.
Our Vision
A community just for Black men and boys to come together, heal, and feel empowered - all while providing encouragement to each other.
Our Story
As a Psychotherapist, Ms. Tytannie Harris realized that Black men were hurting and needed a safe, positive space to share their frustrations and heal from past traumas. To fill this void, she created the nonprofit organization, TMH MANCAVE.
"Had an amazing time with the fellas, coming together to uplift and encourage each other through their testimonies."
"Refreshing to have an atmosphere for men to be men, and not be judged by anyone. It's comforting to know that I have a place to speak my mind."
"It's cool to see that other men are experiencing the same things I am. Normalizing normalcy."
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